Word 2 Mother, Buck 65 and Kurt Vonnegut

Word 2 Mother, Buck 65 and Kurt Vonnegut


Good morning. First up today is a big up for the Word To Mother show that opens at Stolenspace tomorrow, Thurs 19th. Mr. Word is a massive talent and a breath of fresh air in our increasingly cynical urban art scene (oh how I hate that label). This man is a true artist, a purist, who makes art for art’s sake, art from the heart and not art for the pocket. He is one of the 2 paintings I have ever bought which is supercool coz I get to see it everyday but also a little annoying as his studio is only a whistle away from mine and I could easily nab a couple when he goes off for a cuppa. Wistful and original, strong and nostalgic, wicked and weird. Which brings me on to my next topic –


Since my discovery yesterday of how easy it is to upload videos on this here blog I’ve been feeling like a new man. So as I can’t be arsed to upload new photos of my work all the time I’ll be taking these little detours with some of my favourite music. First up is one of my heroes, the one and only Buck 65. If I was a rapper I’d like to be Buck.

Another of my more recent heroes is Kurt Vonnegut. I’ve been trying to get my reading back on track lately after about a year of not finishing books (I blame the internet for killing my attention span). So one of my many New Years Resolutions is to read again and so far I’ve gotten through Michael Oondatje’s ‘Coming Through Slaughter’ (what a great title), a rambling tale of jazz legend Buddy Bolden in early 20th Century New Orleans. Its one of those books where I get off on the words alone. Also read ‘The Bookseller of Kabul’ by Asne Seierstad. I really want to paint in Kabul so if there is anybody from Afghanistan reading this blog with a nice gable end wall that I could paint portraits of European Imperialists on please don’t hesitate to get in touch. And finally my brother got me Kurt Vonnegut’s ‘A Man Without a Country’ for my birthday. This post is totally rambling so I’ll make it brief and take a nice quote from the man as he pours scorn over our digital age. Now go back and listen to Buck.

“Electronic communities build nothing. You wind up with nothing. We are dancing animals. How beautiful it is to get up and go out and do something.We are here on earth to fart around. Don’t let anybody tell you any different.”