Headless Heroes

Headless Heroes






You may have noticed its been ages since I’ve put up any new work on my blog. I’ve been up the walls trying to get on top of my next show at Laz, it opens Oct 31st, which seems like ages away but is nothing in painting-time. So nothing is being finished at the moment, everything is suspended in an awkward unfinished limbo. So I decided to send this drawing into Laz. Its always good to  complete something, no matter how small, when everything else looks like they’ll never get done.

There’s some new imagery in this one, mainly boobies, or should I say a boob, which is always nice. Maybe I’ve been watching too much Desperate Romantics on BBC2. The show is fairly shit lets be honest but I always love how the media portrays artists, with their cliched temperament and feverish approach to painting. The show is packed full of screaming drunken artists. And boobies. Very entertaining.

Oh yeah, forgot to mention, Laz said the drawing was A5 in the press release, its actually 4 times the size at A3.