Author: ConorHarrington

I organized a photo-shoot in my studio about a year ago for fresh source material for the show. I hadn't done anything like this before so it was quite an experience. Coordinating people and generally being the boss isn't my thing but we got there...

Instead of nursing the butterflies during Offset, I thought it would be a good idea to get out and paint a couple of walls. I've been enjoying my quick pieces lately, so I painted the duelist above in Temple Bar. The next day I got...

A week after my show I headed to Dublin to speak at this years Offset. Super weekend, great speakers and I was a mess with the nerves before my talk but it all went grand in the end (as soon as I realized they were...

Woah, been ages since I updated this. So much to say, too lazy to say it. I'll start with a couple of magazines that ran me on the front cover last month, 2 different types of art magazines but I guess you could say each...

Last summer I went home to Ireland with filmmaker Andrew Telling to make our second film together since we went to the Middle East to make Crossing Lines. The cowboy mentality is common in Ireland. It might be because we're on the Wild West of...

Here's a super quick-ass piece I did on Sunday. By far the quickest piece I've ever done, infact if I was organized enough I could do one of these on my lunchbreak everyday. But I'm far too much of a hungry man to waste valuable...

[youtube=] Haven't heard this tune in years but searched it out a few minutes ago after hearing the verdict in the Stephen Lawrence case. I can't remember how much the story made it through to my 13 year old self at the time of the murder...